About WhoDoILike

A 3411 Heaven Media Production


WhoDoILike.com was created by the team at 3411 Heaven Media to explore how easily tech companies could learn our most private thoughts.

WhoDoILike uses an EXTREMELY simple method to determine who you like. In-fact, your data never leaves your computer, and we don't need to know anything about anyone else for the website to work!

The Algorithm

Large tech companies have turned the word Algorithm into something quite frightening. In reality, an algorithm is usually just a set of rules that one follows to perform some task. In this case, our task is to decide how much you are attracted to one gender over the other.

So what is our algorithm? It's simple: keep track of how long you pause on certain images while scrolling. (Clicking on an image also signals to us that you may be interested, but not as much.)

Really! That's it. Unfortunately, we are often unable to control the micro-pauses that we make when scrolling through a list of images. Our subconscious gives us away when it takes a fraction of a second longer to perform the next flick.

Should I be worried?

Well, maybe. We could launch into a speech about how big tech companies are invading your privacy and know everything about you, but that's not our place.

We created WhoDoILike to bring awareness to what "everything about you" might actually mean. WhoDoILike was created in a few hours, and social media companies have had YEARS to fine-tune their algorithms to enable them to draw more insights about what makes you you.

Our goal is simply to provoke thinking about what our subconscious behaviors may signal to those who own the apps that we use every day. No need to freak out (probably), but it is certainly something that we all must be aware of as responsible human beings.